My mate Jussi wrote a good text about motivation and goals (check it out), and I think I have to follow up on it a bit.

First of all what are my goals?

1. To become a better writer.

2. To get more stuff published.

3. To become a better photographer. (Doesn't really take that much to become better then I already am)

4. To save up money for my next trip.

5. To become a better climber.

6. Take action on the matters that concern me.

So what do I need to do to achieve these goals?

1. Write more, and when I've done that I should write double the amount that I did. Also I should read more, I should also read some books in Finnish so I could improve my Finnish writing skills, because they suck so bad.

2. Write on a large scale of topics, and send them everywhere.

3. Carry my camera around and take pictures of everything, and everyone.

4. Easy, save up, and work more. Not buying stuff, who needs stuff anyways?

5. Train train train, eat healthier, train train train, lay of the alcohol, and I should't expect results in weeks, like everything else being a better climber takes time.

6. Write about them, get the issues that concern me in a spotlight.

So what am I up to tonight? Well I got a bread in the oven. I cleaned up this shithole, did my washing, and as my plans for tonight changed. I think I'm going to relax, grab one of the many books I haven't finished, and finish it. Have a early night, wake up early, go climbing, job hunting again but most of all live my life the way I want to live it.

And when you think you're life is shit, think about what's going on at the Gaza Strip at the moment. I think if I get any extra cash, I'm going to pack my bag, fly to Tel Aviv, and travel to the border for some photos and a story. The whole situation needs more media coverage, people need to know.

np: We own the sky by M83